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Bongkar Arsip

Memahami Bacaan: Teks No.1 (Alejandro Zambra, 2015)

S etelah begitu banyaknya bimbingan belajar, uji latihan, serta uji prestasi dan kecakapan, pastinya ada sesuatu yang kami pelajari. Tapi...


My Name is Gecko (Agus Kurniawan, 2001)

My name is Gecko. The shape of my body is like small house lizard, but a little bigger. I live in The Rahmats’ rooftop. The family is poor but they live happily in peace.

Mr. Rahmat has two children, Budi dan Uci. They are very happy making fun with my sound. This way: each time I make the sound, “Gecko…” Budi raises his index finger saying, “Me.” Then on the other sound, “Gecko…” it is Uci who raises her index finger saying, “Me.” And so on until I get silent. Well, whoever raises the index finger at my last sound is the one whom lose and must be beaten by the other. It is just a soft blow and hurtless, of course, for they love each other.

There is another amusement:  Budi often makes my voice to predict what he will do. When he hesitates to accept an invitation from his friend, then he counts my voice.

“Gecko…” I say, and Budi says, “go.”

“Gecko…” I say again, answered by Budi, “not go.” And so on until I get quiet. When I stop on the word “Go,” then he receives the invitation. And if I say the opposite, then he refuses.

But I am touched by Uci. If she is alone, she often talks to me as if she babbles with some friend. I am quiet, though. Even though I say something, she won’t tell what it is.

Uci often puts breadcrumbs upon the cupboard as well. She likes to give them to me. She doesn't know that my favorite food is mosquito, not bread. But, in pleasing her, I force myself to eat the breadcrumbs.

One day I peek at Uci and her mother are talking. I see Uci is scratching between her toes. Mrs. Rahmat squats while examining the child’s feet.

“It is so itchy since last night. I scratched until it hurt,” says Uci in grimace for bearing the itch and pain.

“It’s skin disease named eczema. You should eat gecko flesh so that you recover soon. Your father will catch the gecko in our rooftop.”

“Don’t do it, Mother. Don’t kill the gecko. What a pity. Just buy me some medicine for skin disease from store,” asks Uci.

“You may, but I ‘m not sure the medicine from store will help.”

Mother is right. The medicine from store is not strong enough. For a couple of days Uci’s feet get recovered by salve, yet she scratches between her toes. Mrs. Rahmat, finally, decides to take the first method.

“See? The medicine from store is not strong enough. Therefore, you have to eat gecko’s flesh,” says Mrs. Rahmat.

“Let’s see for another three days, Mother.”

“What for?” asks Mrs. Rahmat. She doesn’t get the idea.

“I have written a letter to Uncle in town. I told him about the itch on my feet. I asked Uncle to buy me the best medicine,” explains Uci. Mrs. Rahmat agrees and would wait for the next three days.

Just on the last day, I am worried. The medicine from Uci’s uncle hasn’t come yet until noon. Uci is worried as well. I know it from her face.

“The postman have past from a little while ago. It means your uncle doesn’t send the medicine here. How if we catch the gecko right now?” says Mr. Rahmat. Uci perforce nodds weakly, as if not willing I am hunted and killed to cure her disease.

On the rooftop I am prepared to die. I will not stay away anymore if Mr. Rahmat catches me. I am willing to be killed for Uci’s health. It is too bad for that little girl. It has been a week she suffers the disease.

Mr. Rahmat has taken a spear to catch me, while Mrs. Rahmat, Budi, and Uci watch him ready to shovel me. However, it seems that the day is not my time to die yet. There is knocking on the door before the spear moves.

“Hurray …. Uncle is coming! Do you bring the medicine for me, don’t you?” Uci welcomes happily.

“Of course, dear. How could I let you spend your time just for scratching your feet,” answers Uncle in funny expression.

That very day Uci takes the medicine and dabs the salve her Uncle has brought on her feet. Uncle says that he gets the medicine and the salve from a doctor specialized in dermatology. Of course their prices are expensive. However they are really strong. A few days later the disease has gone. Uci doesn’t scratch between her toes anymore.

My name is Gecko. I live in The Rahmat’s rooftop. The family is poor, but they live happily in peace. I feel so lucky to live among them.***

From Bobo magazine Year XXIX December 13, 2001 (Rp 4.500,00). The original text can be seen here.

2 komentar:

iznaen mengatakan...

Ahahahahhaa XD
My beautiful Mba Day ^^, I love this story ^^
I almost shed a tear for the gecko was willing to die for the lovely Uchi. :') and it was a happy ending. But in my personal opinion, I prefer this story was ended sadly. Would it be nice to read that the gecko wasn't died in vain, and the voice of his soul close this short story perfectly? well, it's just an opinion, Mba.
Despite the happy ending in this story, I still enjoyed it. I wonder, that if this kind of story still exist in our literature and being read by our young children. Because nowedays, I seen that the young children would prefer to play a game rather than spend their time for reading. Hmmmmmm. I did try to persuade my little cousin to read, but they won't do it if I'm not there to accompanying them.
Well mba day, very nice of you to share this story in english. Funny and fresh, mba. ^^
Reading this in english, give a different kind of taste for me. ^^
I think that's all from me, mba day. Have a nice day ^^

diyday mengatakan...

Hello, Nine, sorry for long response :((
Thank you for loving this story, I love you, too #eh
Well, in reality, the gecko might die sadly though its death would be meaningful (since it's said that its flesh can cure the eczema). But, maybe, it's such a convention in children literature that the story must end happily ever after for all parties *cmiiw
Nice try, Nine. I hope, slowly but sure, your little cousin will love reading eventually (amen). Maybe it's our duty now (if someday we become parents, I mean, you and your soulmate and me with mine) to introduce the bliss in reading children literature to next generation kids.
Thank you for stopping by, reading, and giving some comment, Nine. I feel so much appreciated. I'm sorry if you find any mistake in this translation, since I do it to improve my (terrible) English writing skill. Have a nice day, too :))