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Bongkar Arsip

Surat Cinta (Megumi Fujino, 1999)

Diterjemahkan oleh Lynne E. Riggs   Kamu mungkin kaget mendapat surat ini. Tapi sudah lama aku memikirkan kamu.             Ingat hari...


The Red-haired Fake Prince (Widya Suwarna, 1997)

In a kingdom there was a very beautiful princess named Princess Helena. Too bad, this princess had disdainful nature. Therefore there was no prince dare to approach her.

One day King held a party notably for young people. Princes and princesses from any other kingdoms were invited, so were sons and daughters of noblemen.

One of the guests, Prince Jack, got prepared. He had a red-haired male servant. His name was Otto. Before going to the party, Prince Jack said, “Otto, come with me to the party. Wear my dress and behave as a prince does. Importantly, don’t be away from me!”

“Alright, sir!” said Otto obediently.

Then the two departed. Dressed up, nobody supposed that Otto was a servant. To be understood, he was pretty good looking.

In a big ballroom many guests had come. Men spruced up and princesses were beautiful, sweet smelling. Princess Helena was the most striking one, wearing pink dress with blue eyes and blond hair.

After the banquet, the dancing party would start. Princess Helena said, “Momently, the dancing party will start. Whoever wishes to dance with me, please drink juice in my shoe!” Whilst saying so, she raised aloft a golden shoe with high heel. The guests got speechless. Prince Jack whispered something to Otto.

Suddenly, a red-haired prince came forward. All eyes were directed toward him. He took the shoe from the princess then filled it with some fruit juice, but he didn’t drink it. Instead, he held that shoe up as if raising glass.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Princess Helena has offered something unique. Seemingly fruit juice is more delicious when drank in shoe. Is that so, Princess?” said the red-haired prince. Princess Helena smiled and nodded. And then the red-haired prince said, “Therefore we respectfully ask Princess Helena to exemplify first how to savor this juice, by sipping or gulping?”

The guests laughed and applauded. Her face turned crimson, yet Otto quickly put the shoe down on a table and slunk away, disappeared among the guests. Princess Helena ordered her guards to find that impertinent prince whilst the dancing party was getting started. Princess Helena sat on her own wistfully, expecting the guards would bring the red-haired prince back. However, eventually the guards came back and reported that they fail to find the prince. Even till the party was over, his trace remained unknown.

A month later, Princess Helena held another party on purpose. This time she expected the red-haired prince would come up. However, when she declared that whoever wished to dance with her was pleased to drink fruit juice in her shoe, nobody reacted. And so the dancing party got started. Princess Helena looked around. Everyone danced but, ah, there was a prince sat pensively at a corner. Princess Helena came by him and asked, “You don’t dance?”

“No, I’m not pleased with any girl here!” said the prince, who turned out to be Prince Jack.

“Neither with me?” asked Princess Helena.

“You’re too special!” said Prince Jack. Princess Helena was flattered. At heart she fancied Prince Jack. And then she asked Prince Jack to dance with her. After a tune through, suddenly a portly prince cried, “I protest! It was said that whoever wishes to dance with Princess Helena must drink fruit juice using her shoe. He doesn’t do that yet!”

“He’s right! He’s right!” some voices emerged.

“Come on, order him to do it!” said the others. It got noisy. Prince Jack whispered to his servant. Suddenly there went a red-haired prince up on a table and told them to be quiet. And then it became silent.

“I beg your pardon, there is some misundertanding. I will put that straight. Prince Jack doesn’t necessarily drink using her shoe, since it was not him wishes to dance with Putri Helena, but it was Princess herself who asked him. Princess wished to dance with Prince Jack. So supposedly Princess must take his condition,” said the red-haired prince in clear, distinct voice.

Having said so, he went off the table and slunk away. Those present proceeded to rumble again and the situation cooled down when Princess Helena gave sign so everybody got quiet.

“It is true, what the red-haired prince have said. I am the one who wants to dance with Prince Jack. So I will follow his advice. Prince Jack is allowed to ask anything from me!” said Princess Helena.

Those present applauded. Prince Jack whispered to Princess Helena and then she said, “Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize for my demeanor that has offended you. I beg your pardon sincerely!”

Again those present applauded. The dancing party proceeded and the atmosphere became more lively since somone has admitted her cocky demeanor.

However, there was a riddle remained unsolved. Two times the red-haired prince made surprise: at first he opposed Princess Helena and then he helped resolving the problem. Who was he and where was he? When she asked Prince Jack, he said, “Nevermind that. He will not show up any more. He is my servant in charge of helping me!”***

This story is translated from “Pangeran Palsu Berambut Merah” in Bobo Number 33/XXV/97.